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Energy Crop Plant Spacings & Stocking Densities

There are countless permutations for spacing different energy crops in order to get the best results. The distances between plants and the stocking density choosen depends on a number of factors: The energy crop involved The rotation length over which it will be harvested Whether the crop will be harvested mechanically or manually Ease of […]

Willow variety details – some updates

Since I wrote the SRC variety guide back in 2012 some new information has come to light. I always hoped that I would be commissioned to do a follow up but this hasn’t been the case. As people are always asking me about site specific information and different applications of the varieties I have decided […]

UK Pellet Council and the Wood Heat Association release 2019 general election manifesto for heat decarbonisation…

Leaders from the biomass heat industry including the Wood Heat Association (WHA) and UK Pellet Council (UKPC), who coordinate the Biomass Heat Works! campaign, are urging political parties to recognise the importance of having strong heat decarbonisation polices within their election manifestoes. Heat accounts for over a third of UK greenhouse gas emissions. The installation […]

Western Bioenergy Power Station in Port Talbot is seeking alternative biomass supplies such as arboricultural arisings and hedgerow chips

Western Bioenergy Fuels (WBEF) is a biomass power station  based in Port Talbot, Wales. The WBEF plant requires 155,000 tonnes of biomass fuel per year. In the year 2017/18 fuel sources included the following: Virgin wood Miscellaneous woodchips Waste wood Brash bales The market for biomass fuels is very competitive and WBEF is interested in […]