Crops for Energy
energy crops | biomass energy | renewable energy solutions
About us
Our independent advice
Our clients
Recent projects
Energy crop options
Short rotation coppice
Short rotation forestry (SRF)
Broadleaved coppice
Our Services
Consultancy services
Biomass feedstock assessments
Biomass boiler feasibility studies
Sustainability appraisals and compliance
Don’t fall foul of an RHI audit – get your biomass fuel records in order
Form filling and grant applications
Resolving issues with Biomass systems
Project management of biomass boiler & CHP installations
Energy crop management service
Energy crop planting supplies
Green solutions for problem sites
Price list
Consultancy price list
Site visits, appraisals & feasibility reports
RHI Services
Sustainability and quality compliance schemes
Plant supply price list
SRC willow cuttings and rods
SRC poplar cuttings and rods
Miscanthus rhizomes
Eucalyptus plug plants
Online shop
Ground cover weed suppressant membrane
Books about biomass energy
SRC variety guide
Short Rotation Plantations best practice case study booklet
Short rotation coppice in the UK: A briefing for policymakers
Willow as Fuel Booklet
10 ways to maximise yield from your short rotation coppice (SRC) crop
Energy Crops Economic Case Studies – ETI
The effect of energy crops on floodplain flows – briefing note
Articles published
Case studies
Advice for smallholders
Woodfuel self supply – advice for smallholders
Energy Crop Plant Spacings & Stocking Densities
Want to grow your own firewood? Take a look at these high yielding options
Manual harvesting of short rotation coppice – watch the video
Poultry rearing in Poplar and Willow plots – a great example of Agroforestry
Windbreaks, sight screens, barriers – willows, poplars & miscanthus are the green solution
Gamekeepers – Have you considered Miscanthus as a game cover crop?
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