Beuchte Energy Village
A district heating system was established in the small village of Beuchte in 2008. The heat is produced in two 250 kW furnaces using woodchips which are produced from local SRP poplar by a local farmer.
The first SRPs were established in 2009. Today more than 30 hectares of SRP are grown within a 10km radius of the village. Currently, 65 households in the village, around half of the total households, are supplied with heat from the district heating system. The heating network has been planned so that additional households can easily be connected. The heat is transported to the households in the form of hot water through a network of underground pipes.
Long-term contracts of 12 years exist between the operator of the heating system and the participating households, as well as between the operator and the woodchip producing farmer, enabling stable prices for the whole contract duration.
Beuchte Energy Village Case Study
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