Rokwood best practice case study booklet now online!
We are delighted to be able to announce that the Rokwood book of best practice case studies is now available. This includes 40 SRP case studies from across Europe on all aspects of production processing and use. This provides a wealth of information and insight from people and organisations that have been there and done it. The document called Energy crops in Europe: Best practice in SRP biomass from Germany, Ireland, Poland, Spain, Sweden & UK can be found by clicking this link: energy-crops-in-europe-rokwood-2015-150715.
Case study highlights include:
- Beuchte Bioenergy Village in Germany – a 66 house district heating scheme using short rotation coppice (SRC) poplar
- Berkshire College of Agriculture in the UK- Self supply woodfuel using 30 hectares of SRC willow
- Chlebowo pelleting plant in Poland – producing pellets from the largest (750 hectare) SRC willow area in Europe
- Drumkee, Northern Ireland – Small-scale municipal wastewater treatment using SRC willow
- Eslöv, Sweden – The history of development of teh HSAB hydraulic head for SRC harvesting