Woodfuel Self Supply Course
- Grow your own and use your own woodfuel
- Maximise the benefits of the Renewable Heat Incentive
- Find out the right crop for your land
- Find out the right boiler solution for you and your premises
This course is aimed at farmers, landowners and smallholders who want to grow and use their own woodfuel in order to get the maximum benefit from the Government’s Renewable Heat Incentive. The course will look at how to estimate the amount of woodfuel you will need for your premises from a variety of biomass resources (e.g. existing woodland, straw, energy crops and short rotation forestry). The course will also provide insight into the best types and makes of boilers for the different fuels covered. You’ll get all the information you need to DIY.
If you would like Crops for Energy to deliver a course in your area please contact us or call 0117 9089057.
Energy crops course
Crops for Energy were commissioned by LANTRA Awards to produce a two day accredited course on energy crops. The course is highly interactive and covers all aspects of energy crop growing, processing, supply and end use. Energy crops covered include short rotation coppice (SRC) willow, miscanthus and other energy grasses, broadleaved coppice and short rotation forestry (SRF). It is of particular interest to farmers, estate owners and organisations with farm holdings.
The course enables farmers and landowners to:
- make informed decisions about the best energy crop to grow on their land
- gain up-to-date knowledge on planting, harvesting and processing methods
- gain knowledge of end-use markets and evaluate the potential financial returns from SRC and Miscanthus cultivation
- gain knowledge about growing energy crops for their own use.
The course involves group exercises, flipchart exercises, a crop walk and worksheet, a visit to a biomass boiler and concludes with a short exam.
If you would like Crops for Energy to deliver a course in your area please contact us or call 0117 9089057.
Ignite course
This is a three day course produced by Rural Development Initiatives which focuses on the fundamentals of wood fuel production and supply. It is accredited through the Lantra Awards body and won a National Training Award in 2006. It is suitable for anyone interested in becoming a woodfuel supplier or getting a better knowledge of biomass energy. For more details: www.ruraldevelopment.org.uk/ignite.