Crops for Energy can supply various energy crops including short rotation willow and poplar cuttings, Miscanthus rhizomes and tree seedlings for broadleaved coppice and short rotation forestry (SRF). We can also source Eucalyptus seedlings for small scale SRF plots.
No order is too small from a few plants for trialling purposes up to tens of thousands for large plantations. Please contact us with your requirements and we will be happy to provide a quotation.
SRC willows (Salix spp.) should be planted as intimate mixtures of up to 5 diverse varieties. This helps guard the plantation against damaging outbreaks of disease and pests. You can download the SRC willow variety guide here. Some of the standour willow varieties include:
Over the last decade Endurance has frequently topped the rankings in yield trials in UK and Ireland. It has a diverse parentage and is quite unlike most of the other varieties on the market. It is very bushy and has excellent woodfuel characteristics. Find out more here.
This variety has a tall erect habit and is very fast growing reaching up to 4 metres tall in its establishment year. It is one of the highest yielding varieties with yields of 14 dry tonnes per hectare per year on good quality land in southern England.
This variety is less erect than others but is high yielding and has excellent woodfuel characteristics such as low moisture content at harvest and higher bulk density and calorific value compared to other varieties. It is one of the first varieties to lose its leaves in the autumn meaning that it is good for early harvesting.
See our SRC willow cutting and rod price list here and our poplar cutting and rod price list here .
We have teamed up with one of the most established Miscanthus producers in the UK and can supply rhizomes of the high yielding genotype Miscanthus x giganteus.
See our miscanthus rhizome price list here.
If you are interested in an energy crop with a slightly longer rotation then you might wish to consider Eucalyptus planted on an 8 year cycle. There are numerous species to choose from including ones that can tolerate wet soils such as Eucalyptus rodwayii (the Swamp Peppermint) and others that are more tolerant of low temperatures and deer browsing such as E. glaucescens.
See our eucalyptus seedling price list here.