Come and hear me talk this spring

I’m quite busy this spring with speaking engagements across the UK. If you would like to hear me talk and find out all about the biomas potential and multi functional benefits of Short Rotation coppice (SRC), Short Rotation Forestry (SRF), Miscanthus and non-wood fuels then read on.

The venues, dates, times of each talk are as follows:

Energy and Rural Business Show

Talk title: Energy crops and non-wood biomass – markets, self-supply options & benefits

Talk synopsis: The market for biomass is very competitive and everyone with a boiler, CHP system or power station needs to future proof against future shortfalls. My talk will look at the options for shoring up supply (such as short rotation coppice, miscanthus, eucalyptus and non-wood fuels), the costs involved, the timescales and the pros and cons.

Date: Wednesday 4 March

Time: 13:10 – 14:20

Location: East of England Arena, Peterborough

More details: Energy and Rural Business Show

Exploring the Benefits of SRC Willow Planting for Water Quality Protection and Waste Water Management

Talk title: Multifunctional Benefits of Willow Crops

Talk synopsis: Biomass willows can provide many additional benefits when integrated into farm systems. These include waste water management, water quality protection, flood mitigation and increased biodiversity. My talk will provide information on how to get the best from a willow crop.

Date: Thursday 5 March

Time: 14.40 -15.00

Location: Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dundalk, Northern Ireland

More details: Catchment Care project


Wood Heat 2020

Talk title: Energy Crops options – the low down on SRC, SRF and Miscanthus

Talk synopsis: The market for biomass is very competitive and everyone with a boiler or CHP system needs to future proof themselves against future shortfalls and insulate themselves against rising prices. Kevin will look at options for producing biomass from perennial energy crops such as short rotation coppice (SRC), short rotation forestry (SRF) and Miscanthus. His presentation will outline the costs involved, the production timescales, logistical challenges and the pros and cons of each option.

Date: Thursday 1 April

Time: 11:15 – 11:45

Location: Thinktank Birmingham Science Museum

More details: Wood Heat Association