Eucalyptus price list now online

Eucalyptus plug plants are available for 2019 planting.

Do you want to plant Eucalyptus for biomass or timber production? Then look no further – our price list for plug plants is now online. We cater for all orders from just a few to tens of thousands.

There are planty of species that can grow well whatever your soil or climate. For instance Eucalyptus glaucescens is very popular and can be grown all over the UK whilst E. rodwayii is an excellent candidate for poor soils and E. dalrympleana is great on waterlogged sites.

Eucalyptus are fantastic as a short rotation forestry (SRF) crop providing large amounts of woodfuel in as little as 8 years.

Want to know more? Read these great articles by Andrew Leslie and the much missed John Purse published in the Quaterly Journal of Forestry

  • Eucalyptus Part 1 – Species with forestry potential in the British Isles
  • Eucalyptus Part 2 Findings from trial plantings, and silvicultural requirements in the British Isles

These two articles are published on the Royal Forestry Society (RFS) website at: