Excellent – A very well written article which I am sure will generate interest.
Simon Bates
Today I got around to reading all your reports and trying both the woodfuel production and utilisation templates. I must say that they are brilliant. The instructions are concise and logical and all the input fields worked for me and generated sensible outputs. Many thanks for your high quality work.
Paul Barker
Another feather in your cap as we were indeed told last week of our success. Sounded like very strong competition too! Thanks very much for your help on this one.
Gary Russ
Both this and the draft report are excellent bits of work and exactly what I was hoping for. This second summary on issues with fuel is very useful and thought provoking
Tom Munro
Congratulations Kevin! This is a great bit of work – most useful for us and the rest of the bioenergy working group, not to mention the industry itself. You’ve done us proud.