Western Bioenergy Power Station in Port Talbot is seeking alternative biomass supplies such as arboricultural arisings and hedgerow chips
Western Bioenergy Fuels (WBEF) is a biomass power station based in Port Talbot, Wales. The WBEF plant requires 155,000 tonnes of biomass fuel per year. In the year 2017/18 fuel sources included the following:

biomass plant
- Virgin wood
- Miscellaneous woodchips
- Waste wood
- Brash bales
The market for biomass fuels is very competitive and WBEF is interested in alternative forms of fuels such as:
- Arboricultural arisings from
- Land clearance projects
- Routine tree work on highways and railway verges
- Domestic and commercial work carried out by local tree surgeons
- Hedgerow maintenance
- Particularly very mature hedges that are 5-8 years past the time they would be normally flailed or laid (large stems will be 15-20cm in diameter)
- Conservation arisings such as
- Gorse and scrub
- Baled bracken
- Energy crops such as
- Short rotation coppice (SRC)
- Miscanthus
- Short Rotation Forestry (SRF)
WBEF are interested in all credible approaches. In the first instance we are trying to gauge interest so if you are involved in handling biomass in South Wales or the West of England and require a simple disposal route with a potential income stream then please contact Kevin Lindegaard – kevin@crops4energy.co.uk or 0117 9089057.