Wood Heat Conference 2016 – Sharing Good Practice
Organised by the Wood Heat Association and the Renewable Energy Association, Wood Heat 2016 brings together all parts of the UK biomass heat and CHP industry in a unique event designed to share and promote good practice. Wood Heat 2016 is a must attend event tailored for professionals from across the supply chain, including installers, specifiers and fuel suppliers.
The UK biomass energy industry has experienced another year of uncertainty, with a major consultation on the second phase of the Renewable Heat Incentive, short-notice changes to the rules governing biomass CHP and, of course, the implications of Brexit. The drop o in small and domestic biomass installations has continued in the face of continued low oil prices and repeated degressions, but medium and large biomass installation rates have picked up in response.
Following our second highly successful conference in 2015, which was attended by over 100 biomass energy professionals from across the UK and Europe, the WHA are holding Wood Heat 2016 at Edinburgh Zoo on 28th and 29th November.
The programme is carefully put together to meet the current information needs of the UK biomass heat and CHP industry, and puts professionals from across the supply chain in the same room for two days of technical, market and legislative updates. Attracting biomass professionals from the length and breadth of the UK, the WHA conference has been described as the “must attend” event in the biomass energy calendar.
The conference includes speakers from Government, industry and the public sector, and will also continue our theme of learning from overseas experts, with speakers from the Denmark, Austria and Spain.
Conference topics will include:
- Good practice in district heating design;
- The outlook for biomass heat and CHP, with speakers from BEIS and Ofgem;
- Emissions from biomass boilers;
- Biomass re and explosion risks;
- The Biomass Suppliers List and Sustainable Fuel Register
Wood Heat 2016 will give you the knowledge and contacts to make the most of the opportunities still to be found in the UK biomass energy sector.
The conference will be in Edinburgh Zoo on the 28th and 29th November 2016.
Previous delegates say:
“Thank you for all your eorts with the conference – we thought it was a great success.”
David Hugh Smith, Dunster Biomass Heating, Somerset
“All the movers and shakers of the industry openly sharing their knowledge and their time meant I got an honest picture of the industry as a whole.”
Richard Weeks, Hall Construction, Hull
“Well organised, insightful conference. Really pleased I attended.”
Athol Duckett, Wood Boiler Supplies, Aberdeenshire