Woodfuel self supply course – Dorset 19th April 2012
Do you want to:
- Grow your own and use your own woodfuel
- Find out the right crop for your land
- Find out the right boiler solution for you and your premises
- Maximise the benefits of the Renewable Heat Incentive
Then book yourself a place on the woodfuel self supply course.
Our next course is at :
The Kingcombe Centre, Toller Porcorum, Dorchester. DT2 0EQ on
19th April 2012
The courses will run from 9am – 5pm. Refreshments and lunch will be provided.
This course is aimed at farmers, landowners and smallholders who want to grow and use their own woodfuel in order to get the maximum benefit from the Government’s Renewable Heat Incentive. The course will look at how to estimate the amount of woodfuel you will need for your premises from a variety of biomass resources (e.g. existing woodland, straw, energy crops (miscanthus and short rotation coppice willow) and short rotation forestry). The course will also provide insight into the best types and makes of boilers for the different fuels covered. You’ll get all the information you need to DIY.
Crops for Energy have linked up with several established boiler installers (Treco, Fair Energy, Dunster Heat, Eco Angus and Dragon Heat) to provide attractive discounts on their boilers. By coming along to the training you will be able to hear about different boiler types and receive boiler discount vouchers from the various brands.
Training will be delivered by Kevin Lindegaard of Crops for Energy.
Costs *
£38 if eligible, £76 if not eligble**.
The course has been organised by The Silvanus Trust, working in association with Crops for Energy, Duchy College and the Skills scheme.
For further information and to make a booking please contact Victoria Hughes at The Silvanus Trust on Tel: 01752 846400 or Email: victoria.hughes@silvanus.org.uk. Please book as early as possible to avoid cancellation due to low booking numbers.
* costs may alter, subject to funding. Final costs confirmation will be posted on website asap
**All are welcome, however, attendees will need to be working in or dependent on agriculture or forestry and live/work in the south west in order to receive benefit of RDPE support.