Biomass Heat Works – We’re supporting this new campaign

There has been much press coverage recently of the Theresa May’s announcement that the UK is dedicated to achieving net zero CO2 emissions by 2050. As a small country this action itself will not alter the onset of climate change but as we were the pioneers of the industrial revolution it sets the right example for other countries (especially the really large emitters) to follow.
When considering how we will get to this target most media reports concentrate on easy to grasp concepts such as insulation, solar panels, offshore wind farms and electric vehicles. Many also deal with technologies that are tantalisingly out of reach such as carbon sequestration and large scale energy storage.
However, almost universally ignored is the technology that is available here and now and can make a real and immediate difference to decarbonisation – Biomass Heat. For too long this has been the bridesmaid renewable technology. No more – it is time for the Government to act and put into place policy instruments that really support sustainable growth in this industry. In rural communities in particular, biomass heat is the most fit for purpose, proven technology that can be deployed widely to decarbonise homes and businesses that are currently heated with oil or electric.
We are fully supporting the new campaign spearheaded by the Wood Heat Association and the UK Pellet Council called Biomass Heat Works which is calling on ministers to urgently take heed of key findings from the Renewable Energy Association’s (REA) newly-published ‘Bioenergy Strategy’ report, and put in to place measures to boost the sector when the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) ends in 2021.
As always there is strength in numbers. If you agree with us then log on to and sign up to the campaign to show your support.