Watch Kevin Lindegaard give a Rokwood progress report at the Supergen Bioenergy Hub Annual Assembly 5 Nov 2014
Crops for Energy’s Director Kevin Lindegaard wil be giving a 2 year progress report on the EU funded Rokwood project which deals with woody energy crops
grown as short rotation plantations (SRPs). Kevin will focus on the UK perspective and look at project outputs so far, such as:
- Obstacles and barriers for woody biomass production report
- Findings of the SWOT analysis
- Production of a set of policy briefs
- Joint Action Plan to increase SRP sector development across Europe
- International co-operation strategy
This will take place at 10.30 UK time on the 5th November at the Supergen Bioenergy Hub Annual Assembly.
You can watch this presentation and other presentations throughout the day by clicking on the live webstream link below:
After the event a recording of each presentation will be available to view via the SUPERGEN website