Woodland Creation Grant 2016 – Don’t miss out
The Countryside Stewardship Woodland Creation Grant 2016 is worth up to £6,800 per planted hectare. The grant is competitive and applications need to score sufficient points relating to the schemes priorities on biodiversity, water (quality and flood mitigation) and climate change in order to be successful.
Short Rotation Forestry schemes (including Eucalyptus) have been successful in previous years. Short Rotation Coppice is not eligible but willows, poplars and alders grown as single stem trees should be allowable.
If you would like to apply but have a phobia of form filling then we can help!
We will take care of the application in its entirety and do the following:
- Obtain relevant land map(s) from Natural England map request service
- Annotate the land map(s) according to the required protocols
- Complete agent authorisation form
- Complete main capital grant application form
- Complete capital grant application form Annex 2
- Work with the client to assemble relevant evidence pertinent to the application
- Liaise with the client to ensure that the application can achieve maximum number of points relating to the positive impact on biodiversity, water (quality and flooding) and climate change
- Submit the application by 31 March 2016
- Liaise with Natural England and Forestry Commission officials and make necessary changes to the proposal in advance of the final deadline (31 May 2016)
Please contact kevin@crops4energy.co.uk if you would like a competitive quote but please remember time is of the essence so don’t delay!