Archive by Author

Hear me speak at Cereals Live 2020 – early doors on Thurs 11 June

I’m speaking at the Cereals Live 2020 online event this Thursday 11 June in the New Specialist Crop Markets webinar (8.00-8.45 am). I’ll be focussing on diversification opportunities that energy crops (such as willow, miscanthus and short rotation forestry) and agricultural residues afford arable farmers. It’s a 7 minute slot so a real whiz through […]

Don’t fall foul of an RHI audit – get your biomass fuel records in order

Under the non-domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) around 19,000 biomass boilers have been installed in Great Britain. Any Government scheme giving grants or rebates has a requirement for compliance and ongoing obligations and this is certainly the case for RHI participants with biomass systems. However, from our own experience and talking with colleagues and Ofgem […]

Planting Eucalyptus? Read our planting guide first

It’s possible to plant Eucalyptus all over the British Isles but you need to make the right choice of species and plant according to best silvicultural practice. Many early trials failed as a limited range of frost susceptible species were used. However, the Eucalyptus genus is very diverse with many trees thriving in high altitudes […]

SRC machinery for sale

Are you interested in purchasing second hand machinery for planting short rotation coppice willow? If the answer is yes, then the good news is that we are helping broker the sale of two machines. There is also a second hand cut back mower available. Interested parties please contact us. Salix Maskiner AB Step planter Unit […]

Come and hear me talk this spring

I’m quite busy this spring with speaking engagements across the UK. If you would like to hear me talk and find out all about the biomas potential and multi functional benefits of Short Rotation coppice (SRC), Short Rotation Forestry (SRF), Miscanthus and non-wood fuels then read on. The venues, dates, times of each talk are […]